星期三, 10月 01, 2008

Escuchando a Gabriel (Soundtrack Promo)

片名:Escuchando a Gabriel (Soundtrack Promo)
英譯:Listening To Gabariel
作曲者:Maxi Valero(西班牙) /Sergi Rajadell

Maxi Valero出生在瓦倫西亞(西班牙)於1975年

Writer and Score Composer, he studied a History Degree in the University of Valencia (Spain). After that, he carried out a Master of Screenwriting at the UIMP of Valencia. Self-taught student of piano, he has always studied music by himself. He began to compose his first pieces at the very young age of ten years old.

Once he finished his education, he moved to Madrid and worked in several TV Companies, as well as worked as scriptwriter and composer for different Animation Studios.

He currently lives and works in Valencia, Spain. Mr. Valero took great care in setting up his own studio with all the latest technologies to insure optimal quality work, making really easy to produce music scores for other countries than Spain.

He is actually working with the Spanish production company Somnia Ars, without exclusivity, established next the new european film studios of Ciudad de la Luz de Alicante.

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